CG Animation Program 2
CG 2
Romain Salvini, Clémentine Frère, Aurore Gal, Yukiko Meingnien, Anna Mertz & Robin Migliorelli/06:53/France/Animation/2016
Early in the morning in a Japanese shopping center, a shopkeeper gets stuck. In order to help her, her young employee decides to cross the shopping center with her.
Multivision Festival Best Student film (Russia)
Aniwow Best Screenplay (China)
Aniwow Best Screenplay (China)
Director : Romain Salvini, Clémentine Frère, Aurore Gal, Yukiko Meingnien, Anna Mertz & Robin Migliorelli
All born between 1990 – 1993, Clémentine, Aurore, Yukiko, Anna, Robin & Romain all graduated from MoPA (Supinfocom Arles) in 2016, specialising in either directing, animation, image processing or visual arts.